Spidey senses are tingling at Heritage Park
THE newest play equipment at Heritage Park in Mullumbimby is bringing climbs and smiles to local children.
The ‘spider web’ was designed to test the climbing skills of older children and encourage agility and activity.
The refurbishment project also installed additional seating and a new pathway and boardwalk through the park and along the river, which links the Brunswick Terrace entrance to the Mill Street playground.
Byron Shire Council’s Coordinator Open Space Jim Roberts said the work was identified in the Heritage Park Landscape Masterplan.

“It was based on feedback from residents about the improvements they told us they wanted,” Roberts said.
“We closed off a section of the park on Mill Street and turned it into an off-lead dog area,”
“We took the fences down around the new play equipment, and before we had finished, kids were climbing all over it, so it looks like it will be well used,” he said.
The installation was part of the $850,000 upgrade of Heritage Park, which also included other features designed to encourage imaginative and nature-based play.