Surge in women using breast screening van

Pauline Smith, Debbie Collcott, Melanie Fergusson, Jennifer McKay, Robyn Lovejoy, Helene Wightman, Charlotte Barry and Denise Mills at the Ballina mobile van breast screening service. Photo: MITCHELL CRAIG.
A MOBILE breast screening van in Ballina has seen a surge in women booking mammograms, with the service described as a potential lifesaver.
The BreastScreen NSW program provides mobile screening services in areas where access to fixed clinics is limited.
An ageing population in the region has seen the van become a regular service, parked in a fixed location at Fawcett Park.
It will conclude at the end of the month with multiple group bookings and information sessions in collaboration with the Bullinah Aboriginal Health Service.
BreastScreen NSW engagement strategy manager for the North Coast, Jennifer McKay, ran multiple information sessions at the site and said the van provides a vital service for the region.
“We’ve had a lot of women attending over many months now,” she said.
“Ballina has a high population of women in our target group, and we bring the van here every year now.
“We get women who have never had a mammogram because they’re so busy looking after other people.
“It’s important as women that we prioritise our health so we can look after other people, too.
“These services are a potential lifesaver because one in seven women are diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime.”
The Ballina van had two radiographers on site for screening while Healthy North Coast also provided information for visitors.
Women aged 50-74 are invited to screen every two years. Screening is free, and no doctor’s referral is needed.
There are fixed screening locations at Lismore and Tweed while the van will move on to a new site at Murwillumbah.
To book a free mammogram, visit or call 13 20 50.