Tweed Men’s Shed donates $2K to women’s cancer support
THE Tweed Men’s Shed has donated $2000 to Gold Coast Women’s Cancer Advocacy Inc. at a ceremony at Tweed Heads on Tuesday.
With most Northern NSW patients accessing cancer care across the border, many women commute to Queensland daily and weekly for treatment.
The Women’s Cancer Support Group and its NSW chapter, Southern Belles, support its members with various resources.
Founder Sandra Johnston said the money was earmarked for exercise aqua classes on the southern coast.
“The $2000 will be put towards expanding services here,” Johnston said.
“We are collaborating with GCCC to bring free exercise sessions to Coolangatta and would love to expand these programs into Tweed with the support of Council, so even more women can access these life-changing activities.”
Johnston said groups such as the Men’s Shed were vital to communities for socialising, keeping active, mental health and wellbeing.
“What they do in the community is awesome, and we hope these groups grow to continue the good work they do for one another and the community in general,” she said.
Johnston is a breast cancer survivor. Diagnosed in 2017, she found little to no information or support to navigate ‘living’ with cancer.
“I knew something had to change,” Johnston said.

“I made it my mission to ensure that other women diagnosed with this insidious, sneaky disease didn’t have to struggle to find the right information before making crucial decisions and that they would receive ongoing support from diagnosis for as long as they needed.
“That was in June 2019, and today, we have 900+ members from NSW and the Gold Coast living with cancer.”
The NSW-based sub-groups of 120 members combined provide peer support, friendship, activities and shared experiences.
The organisation provides wigs, headwear, bras, prostheses and medical aids free of charge. It also offers specialised support groups for every type of cancer, including Stage 4 and palliative care.
The Hospital Visit Fairies visit members, and the Southern Belles members visit Tweed and Murwillumbah hospitals and Wedgetail Palliative Care.
A wide range of services includes meditation, yoga, massage, reiki, kinesiology and art therapy, counselling, psychology, psychotherapy, dietitian and nutritionist consultations.
“At the heart of everything we do is a commitment to providing hope, support, and community to women facing the challenges of cancer. Together, we can ensure that no woman in our community faces cancer unsupported,” Johnston said.
For more information or to get involved, visit