
Work starts on Bangalow flood study

August 6, 2024 BY
Bangalow Flood Study Launched

The Bangalow Flood Study, set to examine the effects of flooding on the town and its surroundings. Photo: SUPPLIED

BYRON Shire Council has commissioned a consultant to launch the Bangalow Flood Study, set to examine the effects of flooding on the town and its surroundings.

Project engineer Katie Hughes said community feedback will provide important and useful data to inform the study.

“The floods in 2022 were unlike anything experienced before and people will remember where it flooded and how deep it was and we would like them to share this information with us,” Ms Hughes said.

“We also want to hear from residents about their local flood knowledge such as how fast did the water rise, did it move across your property differently or was flooding caused by heavy rain, the creek or stormwater drainage?”

Although Bangalow is not as susceptible to flooding as other parts of Byron Shire, its proximity to Byron Creek makes it vulnerable during heavy rainfall.

The study will analyse flood patterns and behaviour, providing crucial data for flood risk management and future land-use planning.

This information will assist government bodies, emergency services, and the local community in making informed decisions regarding flood risks.

“We are hoping that people may also have photos they are able to share to visually support the technical work the consultant will be doing,” Ms Hughes said.

“All information provided will be confidential so I am really hoping Bangalow residents will be able to help us out with this important project.”

Residents can share their experiences and photos through a survey on the Your Say page of the Council’s website.

The survey is open until 15 September 2024.