Tweed 1 Brady Turner

September 10, 2024 BY


Group: Independent

Brady Turner

Current occupation and background:

I have left my position lifeguarding and operating the aquatic facility in Murwillumbah to campaign full-time for the coming elections.

How long in the Tweed community?

Born and raised in the Tweed Shire, our community’s priorities are part of my DNA.

Community involvement?

Flood relief efforts and volunteering as a coach of one of our local junior rugby league teams.

Guiding values or principles?

My young perspective gives me the luxury to make decisions that are not archaic and without prejudice, focused on creating a prosperous future.

Are you or have you been associated with any political party or cause?


Preferential voting suggestions?

Unaligned. My ideal situation would be exchanging my preferences with independents.

Campaign budget?

I am funding my campaign from my own pocket and I will try to keep costs low.

Top three issues facing your area?

Ensuring the future is prosperous. Affordable housing. Empowering our younger generations with opportunities and the wisdom of our older generations.