About: ruby


Posts by: ruby

December 21, 2020

Flower power puts food first

THE Ballarat Floral Art group has donated a significant amount of funding Uniting Ballarat’s Breezeway initiative. President of the Floral Art Group Anita Hinton said...

December 18, 2020

Crafty dollars for happy minds

AFTER months of selling her hand-crafted clothes pins, Damascus College student Sophie Busuttil has decided to donate a portion of her profits to...

December 18, 2020

Buying Ballarat made easy

LOCATED in the heart of the Delacombe Town Centre, the Ballarat Made pop up shop has a variety of locally produces and designed products...

December 18, 2020

Picturing an honourable avenue

CELEBRATING the stories behind Ballarat’s Avenue of Honour, a new exhibit has just opened at the Art Gallery of Ballarat containing a variety of...

December 17, 2020

Vouching for regional tourism

WITH the aim of kick-start Victoria’s regional tourism industry after a tough year, the State Government has released the first round of travel vouchers. Initially...

December 17, 2020

Golden Plains Festival announces cancellation

IN the wake of this year’s Meredith Music Festival’s cancellation, it’s sister event, the Golden Plains Festival has also been shelved in 2021. To be...

December 17, 2020

Gallery gets jobs grant

THE Art Gallery of Ballarat is among a selection of small Victorian cultural institutions set to receive State Government funding going towards creating employment. Part...

December 15, 2020

A new baby market is coming to town

THE first ever, Ballarat Baby and Children’s Market, is set to take place early next year. Already running an established baby market down in Geelong,...

December 12, 2020

Taste the native flavours – Eat Drink West

Saltbush Kitchen brings Australia’s best kept secrets PROVIDING access to native Australian bush flavours and produce is the motivation behind Buninyong’s own spice and salt...

December 12, 2020

Business success against all odds

ALTHOUGH this year’s pandemic brought widespread job loss, industry collapses and a national recession, there were also some silver lining stories of triumph. Ballarat based...

December 12, 2020

Young drawers win awards

A variety of winners have been announced for the Ballarat Neighbourhood Centre’s ‘My Friends’ Children’s Week drawing competition in October. In a partnership with Delacombe...

December 11, 2020

Packing edible help for families

SINCE May this year the Ballarat Foundation, Salvos and Ballarat Community Health have been delivering food relief bags around the city as part of...

December 11, 2020

Upgrades set for high school gym

WOODMANS Hill Secondary College will receive a significant grant to update its indoor recreation area as part of funding announced during the State budget. Member...

December 11, 2020

Breaking in Haddon’s new ground

AFTER two years of planning, campaigning and construction, the Haddon Recreation Centre Floor project is finally complete and ready for use. Although the project completed...

December 10, 2020

Appeal in gifting it forward

THIS Christmas Officeworks Ballarat staff have joined in the 3BA Christmas Appeal spirit by donating a range of toys and stationary items to annual...

December 9, 2020

Give a beautiful gift

HAVING owned and operated Touché for thirteen years, Nicole van Berkel knows a thing or two about hair and beauty.

December 9, 2020

Pleasant Street picnic this Christmas

INSTEAD of its usual Christmas Festival, this year Pleasant Street Primary School are hosting a remote picnic with its students, parents and the wider...

December 9, 2020

Perfect shot in new Backspace exhibit

WITH the recent reopening of the Ballarat Art Gallery comes a new exhibition in the site’s Backspace Gallery showing a series of photographs from...

December 4, 2020

White Ribbon seeks new members

AFTER a tough year which saw domestic violence rates increase, White Ribbon Ballarat are looking forward with a new vision to make a positive...

December 3, 2020

Train plan aims for more services, less waiting

AN influx of new services will be added to the region’s train timetable as part of the Ballarat line upgrade project. Minister for Transport Infrastructure...

December 3, 2020

Sovereign Hill unveils 20-year vision

ON the eve of its half-century anniversary, a master plan for Sovereign Hill though to 2040 has been unveiled and phase one of the...

December 3, 2020

On yar bike for cancer research

NOW taking registrations, the Fiona Elsey Cancer Research Institute announced that its Ballarat Cycle Classic will be going ahead for 2021. With the aim of...

December 3, 2020

Your Ballarat Christmas all wrapped up

WHEN shopping around for Christmas gifts this year, take the opportunity to kick-start our local economy and show some love to Ballarat businesses, makers...

December 3, 2020

More options for cafes, restaurants and bars

AIMING to re-activate the hospitality industry, the City of Ballarat has devised two new opportunities for businesses to create additional seating and increase comfortability. Funded...