About: vinnievanoorschot

Posts by: vinnievanoorschot

January 14, 2022

Bellarine put on the map!

ALMOST four years since the first line was drawn, the Bellarine Map is now complete and ready to be purchased by those holding a...

January 13, 2022

Point Lonsdale SLSC stage successful community fundraiser

COVID-19 restrictions cancelled last year's Point Lonsdale SLSC Nipper Doorknock, but locals in 2022 showed their support of the club in a big way. The...

January 11, 2022

Roo Run Return has competitors bounding around Roadknight

ONE of the Surf Coast’s most popular races took to Point Roadknight last Monday morning hosted by the Anglesea Motor Yacht Club after a...

January 10, 2022

Chargers seek interest for 2022 Big V sides

THE Surfcoast Chargers basketball is turning the page of its next chapter following the announcement the club is seeking expressions of interest for Big...

January 10, 2022

Bellarine baseball ready to bear new upgrades

IT HAS taken almost four years, but the Bellarine Bears will now be able to upgrade several facilities of its club thanks to the...

January 7, 2022

Bowling with Babies celebrates successful roll-out in Ocean Grove

A BOWLING program which combined socialising among infants as well as new parents has finally concluded after months of postponements on the Bellarine. Bowling with...

January 4, 2022

Last training night for 2021 caps off busy year for Bellarine SES

THE Bellarine’s SES unit has finished 2021 on a high note at its final training night of the year. The team at Bellarine SES took...

January 2, 2022

Thomas earns Jim Wall in front of hometown, Gilling makes it a dynasty

LOCAL surf athlete Sophie Thomas has stormed home to take her first win in front of her home crowd, while Matt Gilling made his...

January 2, 2022

Ocean Grove Tennis Club ready for summer of fun

THE Ocean Grove Tennis Club (OGTC) is celebrating the upcoming summer by sharing its facilities with the local community for the first time in...

January 1, 2022

Christmas Reindeer steal the show on Portarlington’s foreshore

A MOMENT of Christmas creativity from a part-time Portarlington resident has sparked an enormous reaction from locals of the seaside town. Noelene Vagg, a disability...

December 29, 2021

Bellarine golfer takes on golf’s Longest Day

GOLF can be both a leisure and competitive activity, but for Vietnam-born Bellarine-based business owner Trung Troung, it was all business as he took...

December 28, 2021

Council makes Leopold Tennis pavilion upgrade pledge

THE first step in upgrading an important corner of Leopold's Memorial Reserve has been made. A pre-commitment of $720,000 put forward by City of Greater...

December 27, 2021

Swan Bay program to revitalise ecosystem

LANDHOLDERS in the Swan Bay catchment area on the Bellarine are being encouraged to take advantage of an initiative that would improve the environmental...

December 26, 2021

Local regions dig deep for #ItsInTheBag campaign

THE Geelong, Surf Coast and Bellarine regions have excelled in this year’s #ItsInTheBag campaign with more than a thousand bags of donations pouring in...

December 23, 2021

Gift of giving sparks Feed Me Christmas drive

HUNDREDS of families throughout the Bellarine and Geelong regions will now get to provide their children with a gift on Christmas Day due to...

December 22, 2021

Junior female football takes it up a notch at AFL clinic

THE next generation of female footballers in the region got the opportunity of a lifetime when they had the chance to learn from Geelong’s...

December 21, 2021

St Leonards Christmas in full-swing

A WONDERFUL Christmas tradition has returned to St Leonards with dozens of decorative Christmas trees lining the front fence of Harvey Park. More than 100...

December 17, 2021

Borough celebrates Christmas early at street party

CHRISTMAS spirit is officially in the Borough of Queenscliffe's air with thousands of visitors and residents flocking to Point Lonsdale Road for a street...

December 17, 2021

Local recycling initiative teaches old lids new tricks

A LOCAL environmental innovator and conservation crusader is fearful there will be more plastics in the oceans than fish by 2050. That is why James...

December 16, 2021

Alternative carols event to take place in Portarlington

PORTARLINGTON’S festive Community Christmas Carols have been cancelled this year, but the town’s Church by the Bay has an alternative option available to residents...

December 14, 2021

Vic Open given green light for 13th Beach return

GOLF Australia has confirmed today that the ground-breaking Vic Open will return after a year’s absence to the 13th Beach Golf Links in Barwon...

December 14, 2021

City and Barwon Coast give dog-free beach green light

DOG control orders will continue into the second year of a dog-free area trial at the Ocean Grove main beach. The decision by City of...

December 10, 2021

Act leaves grateful resident in shock

AN UNEXPECTED act of kindness has befallen a Bellarine resident thanks to the spontaneous goodwill of an essential services worker. Ocean Grove resident Margaret Schenk...

December 9, 2021

Ocean Grove dad does it ‘Just Like Jack’

AN OCEAN Grove father-of-three has endured 273km of challenging running conditions in a mission to support old high school mate Chris Duffy and his...