
Barwon Heads embraces winter solstice

June 23, 2023 BY

Adie Curry with her kids Allegra, 9 (Blue wig) and Jesse, 8 (purple headscarf) and Richard Cahill (black Jumper) and John Yacoub (red jumper). Photo: ANDY ROGERS PHOTOGRAPHY

BARWON Heads and Ocean Grove residents will brave the cold, chilly waters of the Barwon River on Saturday night, celebrating the yearly observance of the winter solstice.

Organiser and Barwon Heads local Adie Currie says the third running of the Barwon Heads Winter Solstice Swim is a wonderful chance for the community to embrace the spirit of winter.

“It’s just a bit of fun for the community,” Ms Currie said.

“Celebrating and welcoming the cooler months, it definitely helps to adapt to winter.

“I find if you’re able to accept the fact that you’re going to be cold, you get a real buzz from that – I’m just super excited for Saturday.”

Local community groups such as River Swimmers, RAAF’s Icebergers, Ocean Swimmers and local surf lifesaving clubs members will all be taking part in this week’s swim.

Ms Currie said she got the idea to start a winter solstice swim in Barwon Heads after attending a similar event in Black Rock, Melbourne.

“Three years ago, I was talking to a few of my swim buddies and though why not hold this event back at home in Barwon Heads,” Ms Currie said.

“The first year we held the swim we had a massive turnout; it was a great atmosphere with about 46 people in attendance, and everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves.”

All swimmers will meet at ‘At the Heads’ Restaurant carpark in Barwon Heads from 5:30pm, walk down to Ozone Jetty and then swim with the tide back to the restaurant.

Swimmers are encouraged to dress colourfully and will be handed glow sticks for location purposes.

Participants will enjoy dinner at Ebb & Flow afterwards.

Head to Barwon Heads Winter Solstice Swim on Facebook for more details.