
Stories and celebrations of women’s strength

March 17, 2022 BY

Solidarity: International Women’s Day was celebrated at a SisterWorks lunch last week. Photo: KATIE MARTIN

THE SisterWorks community gathered together to celebrate International Women’s Day last week, sharing stories of strength and promoting solidarity to overcome barriers to gender equality.

The organisation works with migrant and refugee women to support them into employment, entrepreneurship or education opportunities locally.

This year’s IWD theme was ‘break the bias’ and for Manorama Shah, the day was about recognising workplace prejudices still faced by women like pay disparity, and social and cultural attitudes towards parenting.

“Women are so strong. It’s unfortunate that we don’t always see that strength,” she said.

“This is the opportunity that IWD has provided all over the world, for women to speak without being judged.”

Ms Shah immigrated to Bendigo from Nepal for her studies and now works in women’s mental health services as well as being involved in the Regional Victorians of Colour network.

She said the SisterWorks hub was a way for women with different lived experiences to come together and build connection, and IWD sparked important and inspiring conversations at the space.

“It’s an opportunity for us to celebrate our strength and our contribution to the community,” she said.

“It’s also an opportunity for us to raise awareness about some of the things that we struggle with and how we can do things to make life better for women.”