Creating positive futures.

May 12, 2023 BY

A strong pathways program has been an embedded part of the college for many years and involves students from Years 7-12.

If you glance at Newcomb Secondary College (NSC) while driving past it on the Bellarine Highway, the school’s moto is prominently displayed.

“Creating Positive Futures” is the ethos and goal of the teachers and community that is NSC and it has a far broader meaning than the three words may initially be taken for.

The meanings of pathways and employment, of individual positive futures and of societal improvement for a shared positive future are all to be considered.

Traditionally, a school interprets the phrase as a focus on outcomes and pathways.

What do students do next?

Study at a university or TAFE?

Go into an apprenticeship?

Start work?

At NSC all these options are viable and promoted based on the individual student’s needs.

A strong pathways program has been an embedded part of NSC for many years and involves students from Years 7-12.

In their early years, students start career action plans and undertake visits to Deakin University and The Gordon TAFE.

Later involvement becomes more individualised with students undertaking programs such as School Based Apprenticeships/Traineeships, Vocational Education and Training and P-Tech (Pathways in Technology).

For many students, this provides direction and the next steps in their professional lives beyond NSC.

Increasingly we are aware that the impact a school can have on a positive life and future is dependent on our physical, social and mental health.

Newcomb Secondary College promotes the skills a young person needs for themselves and for our communal good through our Positive Futures Framework.


To promote wellbeing for the future, NSC has numerous programs such as respectful relationships lessons for all students and focus on mental health and wellbeing of specific demographics, such as Girls in Charge and the Man Cave.

These have been extremely successful in promoting wellbeing as a lifelong goal and equipping students with the skills and language required to maintain it.

The more esoteric interpretation of Creating Positive Futures is the role of the individual in creating a positive future for all.

By contributing and taking personal responsibility for not just the now, but for generations to come.

At NSC, we promote the skills a young person needs for themselves and for our communal good through our Positive Futures Framework.

The PFF is a holistic and embedded part of learning at NSC, taught specifically through programs such as GROW (Getting Ready for the Outside World) but with all classes embedding the different components in their learning.

This set of 10 skills are necessary for Creating Positive Futures for work, individual wellbeing and society.

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