Home-based and Micro Business Award sponsored by Runway: Pre Loved Geelong

October 19, 2023 BY

Pre Loved Geelong has quickly expanded to become the region's largest consignment store.

Last year, Pre Loved Geelong was shortlisted as a finalist in the Geelong Business Excellence Awards across five different categories.

And this year, the business has achieved its first win, securing the Home-based and Micro Business Award, sponsored by Runway. This award recognises businesses operating with no more than the equivalent of three full-time employees.

Founded by Lou Hammer in 2016, Pre Loved Geelong began as a local market pop-up stall with a vision to make fashion more affordable and sustainable. During COVID the business shifted online, before moving to its current shopfront in Belmont in 2021. In only its second year of operation, Pre Loved Geelong has quickly become the region’s largest consignment store.

The business specialises in the re-sale of high-quality, on-trend women’s and children’s pre-loved items, providing an avenue for people to recirculate, and make some money back from, the clothes they aren’t wearing. At present, the business is the only consignment store in Geelong to offer a children’s range.

“We were extremely impressed with this environmentally sustainable business model,” judges Jessica Anderson and Paul Codd said. “The team takes pride in providing a platform for both sellers and buyers to participate in the circular fashion economy. Their mission is to create a community-driven marketplace where high-quality pre-loved clothing finds new life, allowing fashion-conscious individuals…to discover hidden gems while reducing waste and supporting local businesses.

The business’ inventory continues to change people’s perceptions around buying and selling pre-loved clothes, showing that luxury items can be found in consignment stores. Pre Loved Geelong caters to a diverse range of customers and sports a variety of styles, sizes and well-known brands including Spell, Arnhem and Gorman. It’s a collection that continually evolves with the arrival of new stock.

To date, Pre Loved Geelong has found new homes for more than 10,000 pre-loved items, extending the life of each of them by at least nine months.

For more information, head to www.prelovedgeelong.com.au



Runway is the launchpad for Startups and SMEs from the Surf Coast to Goldfields. By fostering innovation and entrepreneurial thinking within regional VIC, they support sustainable regional ecosystems.

This year, Runway is the sponsor of the Home-based and Micro Business Award.

Since 2017, Runway has supported 84 start-ups and 243 established businesses to thrive. Runway works closely with local government, universities, and other stakeholders to create an environment where entrepreneurs can prosper.

For more information, please visit their website: Runway.