Looking ahead to the future

June 8, 2023 BY

Predicting the future might well be a fool’s errand.

Trying to shape it and make it better for us all, however, is central to human nature.

It’s also an unspoken but well understood tenet of the Chamber’s charter.

Population growth will be a significant factor in that future.

Studies tell us that, in just over two decades, Geelong will be home to more than 500,000 residents.

Some pundits even predict that we will pass the million mark by 2060.

To some, this scenario will be not just challenging but frightening.

Others, however, see opportunity.

The Chamber is of the latter mindset, yet we know that the years to come will demand hard work and forethought if the unique character of Geelong’s enviable lifestyle is to be preserved and enhanced.

To that end, the Chamber and Geelong’s business community as a whole will be looking at a number of future issues and how they can be leveraged for maximum benefit to the community.

The 2026 Commonwealth Games – to be held here in Geelong – is a case in point.

How can it help us create more and better jobs?

And how can we make sure that our city, its facilities and its lifestyle are properly presented to visitors and the viewing world?

In future, it will doubtless be part of the Chamber’s role to weigh in on matters affecting the development and protection of our bay and foreshore, the modernisation of our transport system, fostering a more people-friendly market square and CBD, encouraging the arrival of new industries, integrating our world class educational institutions with business and commerce… all these matters and more are likely to be part of future Chamber plans and actions.

Teamwork will be essential – cooperation within our own Chamber membership, with other like-minded civic organisations and with government at every level.

Likewise will be increased inclusiveness – the willingness to encourage new ways of thinking and new ways of getting things done from all parts of the business community.

We’re ready today. Bring on tomorrow.