
Backyard festival tribute

September 14, 2020 BY

Show goes on: In tribute to this year’s imminently cancelled Meredith Music Festival, residents are planning on recreating the celebrations in their backyards. Photo: SUPPLIED

TO commemorate the first time in twenty-nine years that Meredith’s annual music and arts festival won’t be going ahead, music lovers are taking celebrations online.

With over 1200 responses, organisers of Facebook page ‘Paint a tree red and turn your backyard into a supernatural amphitheatre’ have taken to social media to continue festivities in a different way.

Page administrator Michael Colthurst said the idea came to him when reminiscing with a group of friends over the isolation period.

“We were joking about where we would camp and who we are looking forward to seeing at the festival, so I thought why not make an event on Facebook and actually get everyone involved,” he said.

“As it looks unlikely the festival will go ahead this year, we are looking at sharing photos and videos of the festival online during the official date.

“We’re hoping Aunty Meredith will upload some live sets from previous years for friends to enjoy in their homes.”

The page’s name is a nod to the iconic red painted tree which stands in the middle of Meredith’s amphitheatre which has become a symbol for so many of great musical moments and sunny days.

Mr Colthurst said both Meredith and Golden Plains festivals have played a huge part of his life and formed many of his friendships and fondest memories there.

“I have even closed Golden Plains myself in 2013 as a DJ, so it’s been critical in shaping my career and to a larger extent my life,” he said.

“Meredith means everything to the artists, the locals and those who attend.

“It’s the perfect storm because it gives artists a platform, provides jobs and entertainment for the local community and ever lasting memories for those lucky enough to get a ticket.”

To attend the online event or learn more about the festival search for the page at facebook.com/events.