Community support brings great result

Huge community support: Attendance and money raised at the Heathcote Bowling Club Australia Day fundraiser was well above expectations. Photo: SANDRA JAMES
CLOSE to $6000 was raised at the Heathcote Bowling Club annual Australia Day fundraising event.
The money raised will be shared between Heathcote SES and the Royal Flying Doctors Transport.
“It was a great day,” bowling club president Lorraine Speirs said.
“It was all made possible thanks to absolutely amazing support from the community and sponsors.
“The attendance and total raised was well over our expectations and we would like to thank everyone who supported the event.
“Almost every business in town donated something.”
Sponsors included Mandalay Resources, Bendigo Bank, S and B, Gaffney’s, McIvor Meats, Oval Takeaway, IGA, Morgan’s Smash Repairs, Georgie’s for Hair, Chick’n Lickin, Pizzeria Montana, Juniper Lounge, Rutherforde and Maine, The Watering Hole, Union Hotel, Commercial Hotel, Top Dog Liquor, Connallys Real Estate, Segafredo’s Bakery, Brad Todd Real Estate, Butch Gleeson, Fodders Cafe, Prestige Golf, Heathcote Post Office and Red Dragon.
“There were 20 teams competing and the winners were a team from Heathcote comprising Chris Morgan, Dave Thomas and Rod Bond,” Ms Speirs said.
“During the afternoon the band from the RSL event came and played some music, which really added to the atmosphere.
“We were thrilled to be able to support the SES and Royal Flying Doctors Transport with the money raised.”