
November 11 offers a chance to reflect

November 10, 2023 BY

In honour: Community and personal wreaths will be welcome at the Heathcote Cenotaph at a Remembrance Day service. Photo: SUPPLIED

THERE will be a Remembrance Day Commemoration Service in front of the RSL Hall tomorrow, 11 November, on behalf of the Heathcote and Tooborac communities.

Proceedings will begin at 10am.

“The service involves local veterans, community groups, clergy and schools paying tribute to the great sacrifices made by our veterans, supported by their families and communities throughout our proud history,” said Heathcote RSL Sub Branch vice-president Miles Humphrey.

“We would love again to receive your valued support to properly recognise those who gave everything so that we may live in peace, including those still serving overseas.

“Our U3A/Heathcote Songbirds choir, our clergy and musicians are all greatly appreciated and are a valued part of our services, along with representation from our schools and community groups.”

The service will feature prayers and scripture readings from local clergy, hymns led by the Heathcote Songbirds and secretary Major Michael Carroll will read his poem Brothers in Arms.

“It is a day when we remember all who suffered, in all the wars,” he said. “Those who served and those left at home. Those who died and those who still suffer.”

After the service, wreaths will be laid at the Cenotaph by local groups and individuals.

At 11am the Last Post will sound, followed by one minute’s silence.

The National Anthem will be played and a benediction read by Lay Minister Richard Bath.

“Attendees are then invited to gather inside the hall for refreshments and a chat,” said Mr Miles, “and view the foyer displays by Heathcote and Tooborac students.”

For anyone who wants to buy a Remembrance poppy, they will be on sale on the day and also outside IGA.