A curation of lovely things

A year ago, Bellarine local Melanie Lewis took the plunge and made her dream of owning her own business become a reality. The Ducks Nuts in Portarlington features a range of curated products, with something on offer for everyone. Photos: ALANA RIDGWAY
Fun, friendly and a little bit cheeky is how Bellarine business owner Melanie Lewis describes her store.
Set on top of the hill in Portarlington, The Ducks Nuts – a phrase meaning “the best of the best” – is an emporium of carefully sourced products from homewares and gifts through to fashion, beauty and more.
“I wanted to create a really special space, the sort that you remember and want to go back to,” Lewis said.
“We offer the people of Portarlington and our local customers, just a really well curated range of lovely things.”
The business also features products from local suppliers including jewellery, artwork and clothing.
Lewis has wanted her own shop for more than 20 years, and after staying at home with her children for the past eight, she turned that dream into a reality in 2023.

A year on from taking the leap, she says it’s everything she wanted it to be and something that has been on her bucket list.
“It’s a huge achievement and I’m proud of myself for having a go and I’ve achieved what I set out to do.”
The business has shown Lewis she’s capable of doing things outside of her mum life.
“I’m a privileged person to be able to be a mum, but at the same time things outside the home are important as well.

The past 12 months have involved a lot of learning for the business, adapting the offerings, finding a balance between quality and price and going online.
Lewis has always had different ideas about what her own business might look like, with those ideas continuing to evolve depending on the time in her life and what was going to be a viable option.
Coming from a background in fashion and art, those skills have been put into practice within the store, with Lewis’ passions of customer experience, colour, humour and design all encapsulated.

Customer service was a high priority when putting the business plan together, with the feeling like it was a bit of a lost art.
“The art and the fashion, all things I’m passionate about and the whole in-store experience, we put thought into the music and the lighting.
“The way we’ve displayed everything, it’s not just chucked on the racks, it’s been sleepless nights and many Pinterest pages to make sure that it’s a really special experience for people when they come in store.”
Lewis described the feeling people experienced as they entered the business as a “dopamine rush”.
“I think there’s really good vibes, really positive energy and welcoming, bright and colourful, it’s a feast for the eyes and senses.
“It smells good, it looks good, sounds good and should make you feel very good in store.”

One of the things Lewis enjoys most about her business is speaking to customers, forming friendships with many of them during the process and sending people out with a smile on their face.
“It’s a pretty good place to be and I still can’t believe my luck that my job is to go into my little shop and be surrounded by some beautiful things and talk to lovely people,” she said.
One of the focus’ for the Ducks Nuts was offering something different for the community with a quality range of products to suit all budgets, with their carefully chosen range setting them apart from other businesses.

Lewis believes the business is nailing the cheeky element of the story and giving people a laugh when they come in.
“We’ve got sweary socks and cheeky cards and that kind of thing, but then we’ve got beautiful silk dresses.”
It’s hoped through the business, the community finds some humour and a happy place, offering them another option for their shopping and encouraging them to stay local.
“Before people decide to go and do their Christmas shopping at Westfield, see if you can pop into one of the local stores.
“Make Christmas shopping a good day, go to the pub and have lunch and hit up the shops locally.”
Lewis said she hoped the Ducks Nuts would be at the forefront of people’s minds when they’re looking for something and want to pop in for a chat.
For more information, head to theducksnuts.shop or follow them on Instagram @theducksnutsportarlington