Firm focuses on removing barriers to support women to achieve career success
Coulter Legal is incredibly proud of their focus on gender equity and support of women in business.
The firm was recently recognised in the Business in Heels National Recalibrate Gender Equity Awards, where they won the award for Best Medium Business.
“We were thrilled with this incredible recognition of all of our hard work to remove the barriers in our workplace that can prevent women from achieving career success,” Coulter Legal General Manager Belinda Perisic said.
Coulter Legal is a business of 80 per cent women, and has equal representation of women at both director and leadership levels.
They pride themselves on their individualised approach to flexibility, with access across the firm to a wide range of ways of working to suit their people.
Almost all employees take up some form of flexibility, which could include varying start and finish times, compressed working weeks, part time hours and working from home or from an office closer to their own home.
Coulter Legal is proud that the offer to work flexibly extends to all their people, regardless of their career status or role in the business, to ensure they can provide appropriate work-life balance and integration.
In 2022, Coulter Legal implemented an industry-leading, extensive parental leave program, including 18 weeks of paid leave for either parent, which can be taken concurrently.
They are extremely proud of this leading program that ignores primary and secondary career titles and instead focuses on the family, which in turn also provides crucial support for families in the community.

The program also includes paid superannuation on unpaid leave up to 52 weeks, paid leave for pregnancy loss, paid leave for IVF treatment and additional support on return to work, including part-time and staggered returns.
With so many women in leadership positions at Coulter Legal, they provide strong role models that people can look up to and follow.
Their Mentoring Program enables lawyers from across the firm to be mentored by someone who has demonstrated the skills, experience or career path that they have identified that person would benefit from.
A detailed Career Planning tool also encourages a focus on the achievement of KPIs, and not time spent in the office or online.
This enables anyone working a flexible way to be considered fairly and equally for promotion opportunities.
Coulter Legal are proud to share the strategies and actions they have taken to enable women in business to succeed in their career and to balance their family and home lives.
For more information about Coulter Legal, head to
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