Help commemorate women’s cricket icon

This is a tribute: Barbara Rae's great granddaughter Diane Robertson received an honorary cricket bat from Cricket Australia in recognition of her great grandmother's sporting achievements at this year's 150th anniversary. Photo: SUPPLIED
COMMUNITY members are encouraged to vote for the City of Greater Bendigo’s shortlisted entry in the Victorian Women’s Public Art Program before the poll closes on Sunday.
The entry proposes funding for a permanent public artwork of cricketer Barbara Rae outside the Queen Elizabeth Oval to acknowledge her role as a trailblazer for women’s cricket and sport.
Rae was the winning captain and top scorer during Australia’s first women’s cricket match at the QEO as part of the Easter Fair in 1874.
Last March, Bendigo celebrated the 150th anniversary of the match with a commemorative T20 game between Bendigo and Ballarat on Good Friday.
The City’s director healthy communities and environments Stacy Williams said the artwork needed strong backing from the community for a chance to be considered.
“The City is very excited the proposal to commemorate Barbara Rae has been shortlisted on the Program website,” she said.
“I encourage you to show your support by voting for Barbara Rae so we can see this important piece of Bendigo history placed on the map permanently.
“The Minister for Women will consider the results in December and six (out of 13) of the proposed artworks will be selected for funding.
“A funded permanent public artwork of Barbara Rae outside the entrance of the Queen Elizabeth Oval would be a fantastic way to honour this extraordinary player and celebrate Bendigo where women’s cricket was born.”
Votes can be submitted until this Sunday 8 December on the Engage Victoria website.