Nature’s vibrant palette

July 21, 2024 BY

Geelong artist Janey Forbes followed her creative calling and is now using her vibrant artwork to uplift and create a positive change in people's spaces. Photo: SUPPLIED

Vibrant colours and the influences of nature drive Geelong artist Janey Forbes in creating her unique pieces.

Forbes has been a full-time artist for the past five years, creating artwork in her home studio that she hopes people will be able to connect with.

A big believer that colours can influence people’s moods, the artist’s style comes from within and is not something she can easily describe.

“My work is always evolving, but always revolves around colour and colour that lifts your mood and makes you feel good, I think that’s ultimately the common thread across all my work,” she said.

Janey Forbes has always been creative and for the past five years has pursued her career as an artist full-time. Photo: JESS NICHOLLS


“Our moods are so connected by colour, or influenced by colour and I do really believe that colour can impact on how you feel.

Forbes always wanted to do something creative for a living and her career as an artist is a “dream come true.”

Before taking up art full time, she worked in business, marketing and product development before having kids and deciding it was time to turn back to the creative side.

Along with a friend, they started a homewares business.

“We were screen printing all our designs and that was a great creative outlet,” Forbes said.

“In the background, I started painting at that time and doing a bit for myself on the side, then started releasing some artworks in that business.”

Forbes paints from her home studio in Geelong. Photo: JESS NICHOLLS


Her artworks ended up in the TV show Offspring, and the more she painted, the more she realised becoming an artist was what she wanted to do. After selling the business, she took the leap.

“I would never have dreamed it could have been a career for me, it’s crazy the way it’s happened and now I can’t imagine doing anything else, I have to paint every day,” she said.

Forbes describes herself as an introvert and for her, painting is a form of expression.

“I can’t even describe what it does and without it how lost I feel, you just have this itch and this urge to get back in there and keep painting, it’s just part of who I am.”

With her chosen medium of acrylics, the paints are easy to work with and are still vibrant in their colours.

Forbes paints from her home studio in Geelong. Photo: JESS NICHOLS


Forbes paints on canvas and boards, describing her process as somewhat chaotic, working on a number of pieces at once.

“I might have up to 10 pieces on the go at one time and I just sort of tinker with them all at once, I lean in and out of pieces,” she said.

When painting, Forbes said she follows what comes out and is always inspired by the natural environment then adds in the vibrant colours.

“I’m currently in a real sort of beach phase with my work and doing a lot of beachscapes and a lot of beach bodies.

“I think people are really drawn to my current beach pieces; people can connect with that because it’s a happy place for them.”

Forbes uses acrylic paints, using bright and vibrant colours in all her pieces. Photo: STEPHANIE ROONEY


A lot of the artists paintings are about connecting people with nature, something she said they understand and appreciate.

“I just want my art to connect with people in some way and make them feel good and uplifted and for it to change a space in a really positive way.

“The messages I get from people saying how happy it makes them and that it brings joy to their life is just such a gift.”

Earlier this month, clothing brand Elm released a collection in collaboration with Forbes, featuring her paintings on their designs.

For Forbes, art is a form of expression and something she can’t go a day without. Photo: JESS NICHOLLS


Forbes said having her paintings on clothing was both “crazy and amazing.”

“It’s a very surreal feeling because I just work for myself in my little studio and it’s just bizarre to watch it come to life out there.

“But I feel very grateful and so lucky they chose to work with me.”

The “Beauty in Everyday” collection features Forbes’ vibrant style and is something that’s been a career highlight for her.

Greenhouse Interiors has also been a big part of Forbes’ journey from the beginning and is where her work can be viewed in person at the showroom.

For more information and to view Forbes’ work, head to or follow her on Instagram @janeyforbesart