The My Health story

Soula Mantalvanos founded My Health Story, a platform that allows patients to take an active role in their healthcare.
Soula Mantalvanos is an entrepreneur who has dedicated herself to making a difference for people living with chronic illness.
This mission stems from her experience after an injury in 2007.
Despite visiting multiple health professionals, Soula was misdiagnosed for 4.5 years and left with chronic pain – this inspired her to create a solution for others facing similar challenges.
With her company, OOI Creative Communication, Soula founded My Health Story, a platform that allows patients to take an active role in their healthcare.
The system is like a health CV enabling subscribers to create, manage, and share their individual health experience with healthcare providers empowering them to make informed decisions about
their care.
Soula’s idea lifts patients out of their present passive seat and puts them in the driver’s seat so they can better co-ordinate and address their individual needs.
My Health Story’s advisory panel comprises patients and healthcare professionals from across the globe, and is listed as a preferred resource by world-renowned Australian pain researchers, Pain Revolution and recommended on the Stroke Foundation’s EnableMe website.
The platform has also begun to significantly affect carers and people in the aged care sector, bridging the communication gap and leading to more-tailored and cost-effective care.
Patient story
Seventy-six-year-old stroke patient Helen Sharam’s shared her story with physiotherapist CL and saw the benefits of My Health Story first-hand.
By sharing the health story before their appointment, the physiotherapist was able to connect with Helen more quickly and had the information she needed to tailor her care.
This process supported the physiotherapist, and Helen and her family no longer had to repeat the medical history to the various healthcare professionals.
Soula has global recognition for her advocacy, building a website, through an award-winning documentary The Hurting Strings – An Artist’s Story of Pain, and being invited to present her non-opioid patient resources at medical conferences with groups such as the Royal College of General Practitioners, Murray City Country Coast General Practitioner Training, and CODA for Change.
Soula’s vision for My Health Story is to help with the global burden of chronic disease and the stretched healthcare system; patients struggle to receive the care they need.
Soula believes that empowering patients to self-manage their data is a crucial step towards a more efficient healthcare system.
With My Health Story, patients can take the lead in their health journeys, be better understood by their healthcare providers, and receive cost-effective, tailored care.
My Health Story costs $49 per year.
Learn more at
*Personal names have been changed for privacy.