Walking for women’s rights

November 22, 2022 BY

Unity: The Zonta Club of Ballarat annually marks the 16 Days of Activism and launches the campaign with a walk. Photo: FILE

NEXT Friday, 25 November is the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

By hosting a twilight walk at Lake Wendouree from 5.30pm, the Zonta Club of Ballarat will be acknowledging the day and its aim for a safer, more respectful world, where women can live with equal opportunities, and without fear of violence.

The walk will take off from View Point following speeches from club president Caroline Nolan, Ballarat police officer Tony Coxsall, and Women’s Health Grampians’ Kate Diamond-Keith.

The event will finish at the Edward VII Pavilion near the adventure playground on Windmill Drive.

“Violence against women is not going away, and if anything, it’s getting worse,” Ms Nolan said.

“We need to keep reminding people that it’s not good enough, and this walk is a way of doing that. We’re going to keep doing this walk essentially until we don’t need to do it anymore.”

The Zonta Club of Ballarat is partnering with Women’s Health Grampians through their Communities of Respect and Equality program as part of the event.

“As a club, Zonta is expected to do something each year to acknowledge and to raise awareness of the 16 Days of Activism,” Ms Nolan said.

“There will be other projects happening as part of the 16 Days. People may remember last year’s orange women posters which were up in public toilets, and many are still there.

“We run campaigns, including on Facebook, but the walk will mark the start of those 16 Days, and the UN international day.”

The club’s walk has become an annual tradition, with about 60 people attending last year, and Ms Nolan hopes to see new faces in 2022.

“We want to get more and more likeminded groups involved,” she said.