Women’s choir goes beyond music

Special bond: Tara Flinn said the MaCapella Singers represent a safe space for women to come and be free with their emotions and talk about what they're going through. Photos: SUPPLIED
MUMS, dads, kids, their grandparents and all other interested parties are invited to a fun and inclusive performance at Bendigo Library on Thursday 12 December by a cappella singing group the MaCapella Singers.
MaCapella was formed in 2015 by singing teacher Tara Flinn, and what began as a group of three like-minded people now boasts about 65 members across Bendigo, Castlemaine and Kyneton.
Ms Flinn said those who come along can expect “beautiful harmonies” and “joy in action.”
“It’s well known that there’s something special about singing in groups,” she said.
“Particularly with it being all women, your heartbeats actually regulate (so that) you feel connected.
“You’ve got this camaraderie that is unspoken because you’re working towards something, and when you sing the songs and they sound amazing, you get such a buzz from it.
“There’s all of these unspoken beautiful things that come out of it.”
Ms Flynn continued on to say that the bond between the women that make up MaCapella is “incredible.” “A lot of people would probably tell you that singing is only a small part of why they participate,” she said.
“The friendships that have been forged and the support network that’s there is just amazing.”
If you’re interested in joining the group, email [email protected]
The performance takes place at Bendigo Library on Thursday 12 December from 11.15am, directly following the Library’s twice-weekly Toddler Time.
There will also be a recital at the Moonlight Market in Hargreaves Mall on Saturday 14 December.