Women’s wellbeing the focus of national Week

Strong team: Wendouree-Ballarat Rowing Club is one of many sporting groups in the district championing the health, wellbeing and athleticism of women. Photo: FILE
THE Make Your Move campaign is encouraging the city’s women and girls to live healthy and active lifestyles, in line with this month’s Women’s Health Week.
Online Zoom events will aim to promote positive and proactive steps women and girls can take to maintain a good level of wellbeing in their mind and body.
From 12pm tomorrow, Friday, 11 September, a presentation on how gut health affects mental health will be run by Ballarat Community Health dietitian, Carly Taylor, and on Saturday, 12 September from 9am, Genki Fit’s Jaymee Ellis will lead a bootcamp session.
Make Your Move Group and BCH’s Catherine Kennedy said last year’s inaugural project was successful.
“The really positive feedback about the event and the importance women placed on having opportunities to take time out for themselves, to look after their own physical and mental health, makes us excited to be once again involved with Jean Hailes in supporting this year’s Women’s Health Week,” she said.
“We encourage women of all backgrounds and walks of life to get involved. Obviously our events are a little different this year with restrictions due to COVID-19, but we have planned two great online events which you can join in from your home.”
City of Ballarat mayor, Cr Ben Taylor said local government is delighted to be a part of the Women’s Health Week initiative, also champions of the Active Women & Girls Strategy.
“We encourage all women to be mindful of their health, particularly in these current stressful times, so do not ignore any health problems you might have,” he said.
“Your physical and mental health is too important to ignore or neglect.”
Make your Move is a partnership between Jean Hailes for Women’s Health, YMCA Ballarat, City of Ballarat, Sports Central, Ballarat Community Health and Women’s Health Grampians.
The formal Women’s Health Week began on the 7th and concludes tomorrow, Friday, 11 September.
Visit eventbrite.com.au/e/make-your-move-ballarat-womens-health-week-event-tickets-118095758593 to get involved.
Access free podcasts, quizzes, videos, recipes and health tips at womenshealthweek.com.au.