SCS Otway Range Mike Bodsworth
Otway range
Mike Bodsworth
Occupation: Councillor, house dad, former landscape architect.
Resides: Anglesea.
How long have you lived in your ward? 17 years.
Community involvement: Nine years at the Great Ocean Road Coast Committee, working on coastal projects, conservation and community programs. 17 years as an Anglesea resident
and parent, involved with Kinder, Primary School and sporting groups. Partner in a home-based business. 14 years on the Anglesea Bike Park Committee. A a councillor since 2020.
Associated with a political party or movement?
Preferencing: I’m not preferencing.
Campaign budget? Receiving financial assistance? 100 per cent self-funded.
Three most important issues in your ward?
One: stable, principled governance and a high-performing Council focused on great outcomes and social, environmental and financial
sustainability. Two: a supportive council that fosters strong, unique communities with distinctive local style. Three: unspoiled
landscapes and nature, protected and celebrated to inspire local lifestyles and creativity, underpin visitor and rural economies, sustain
our health and wellbeing and regenerate biodiversity.