About: becwinkler

Posts by: becwinkler

July 18, 2019


It’s very easy to get caught up in the latest food craze, often at inflated prices due to increased demand. But open your pantry and...

December 20, 2018

Get cold this Christmas with a Sweet treat

Merry Christmas everyone! I thought I would do you all a favour and share this delightful, scrumptious and healthy Chrissy ice cream. Because we all...

October 3, 2018


You’ve heard me discuss a lot of various gut health topics here over the years. Well guess what, here's another one, and listen up,...

July 25, 2018

Natural medicine and managing chronic pain

Most of us either have, or will suffer from, some form of chronic or severe pain in our lives. For some, this can be a...

June 27, 2018

Don’t forget the humble vegetable

With much focus on paleo and ketogenic diets lately, I think we may have lost some of the really, really simple, foundation elements in...

June 13, 2018

MOVIE goes on gut feel

After recently being asked along to present at a local screening of a wonderful new documentary, The Gut Movie from filmmaker and health food...

April 4, 2018

Tinker With Your Ticker: Five steps to a healthier heart

I am increasingly seeing more and more patients seeking my advice for better management of their cardiovascular health. Typically, this may include management strategies for...

March 14, 2018

Mould: how toxic is it?

Is it just me, or does there seem to be a lot of discussion and increased awareness around the harmful effects of mould lately? Mould...

February 28, 2018

Recognising and managing postnatal depression

Postnatal depression affects one in seven, or 16 per cent of women in Australia and one in 20, or five per cent of fathers. It...

February 1, 2018

Viruses: what you can do naturally

I see a lot of patients in clinic for both acute viruses and post-viral fatigue. They end up in my office because medically, very...

January 18, 2018

It’s time to talk about booze

Let’s talk about alcohol. The consumption of alcohol is so common place and widespread that I feared sounding like the fun police writing this...

December 7, 2017

A natural apothecary for summer

Stocking up your own natural apothecary is so easy! There are some fantastic natural home remedies that are readily accessible, affordable and effective. So, let’s...

December 5, 2017

Simple Summer Food

For this week's column I thought I'd share a bit of a spring/summer inspired menu to help us move away from warm milky chai...