About: isaacbaker

Posts by: isaacbaker

July 11, 2019

Rate cuts and higher borrowing capacity

In its latest meeting, the Reserve Bank has decided it will be cutting the cash rate by 0.25 per cent, bringing it to a...

April 25, 2019

Information to flow at Woodstock for capitalist

On Saturday May 4, 35,000 people from all over the world will descend on Omaha Nebraska in the United States. This is where legendary investor...

February 28, 2019

Beware of your credit score

Have you seen a copy of your credit file lately? With the recent Royal Commission being released, credit scoring is becoming the source of truth...

October 18, 2018


A new survey has shown that almost two in three parents are either making or planning to make sacrifices to help their children or...

August 1, 2018

Interest rate caution with YBR

“ONLY when the tide goes out do you discover who has been swimming naked.” This famous quote by Warren Buffett rings true in my opinion...

April 11, 2018

First home buyers: your time is now

The perks for first home buyers have never been better with the $20,000 Regional First Home Owners Grant (RFHOG) available to those who build...

March 14, 2018

Cryptocurrencies: Buy or beware?

IN MAY 2012, I went to a property seminar in Melbourne when I was looking to buy my first property, so I was trying...

February 28, 2018

Sell your stuff and stop spending

INTEREST rates are the lowest they have been in recent history, yet our cash flow after paying our mortgage and expenses is the lowest...