About: lanieconquest

Posts by: lanieconquest

March 18, 2021

Business owners to navigate more lender uncertainty during COVID recovery

As the dust begins to settle, and businesses see normality returning, there’s a confidence and even urgency fuelling the property market.

For those depending on...

November 26, 2020

Tips for home transitioning on the Surf Coast

The COVID lockdown has prompted all sorts of property movements from upgrades with adequate home office spaces, to downsizing Melbourne mortgages and everything in...

July 10, 2019

TAX MINIMISATION not the only lens to apply to EOFY REPORTING

The 2019 financial year is done and the results are in, but before the financial reporting is locked down, it’s worth considering whether tax...

June 6, 2019

Buyers await details on First Home Loan Deposit Scheme

Since the 11th hour announcement by the Liberal Government about its First Home Loan Deposit Scheme, there’s been very little commentary provided by either...

May 2, 2019


Thanks to the Royal Commission, challenges around loan approvals have become barbecue conversation. It’s been great from a business awareness perspective, but suddenly your...

January 10, 2019

Taking advantage of low interest rates

Rather than borrowing more, the smart money is banking (not spending) the difference between existing interest rates and what they’ll likely move to at...

December 20, 2018


Whether we’re good or terrible with money, it’s like business or physical performance – we could always do better. Which is why in addition to...

October 11, 2018

How to survive the credit crunch

While the banks figure out how to rebuild their reputations, the most immediate fallout has been increased uncertainty for would-borrowers and refinancers trying to...

September 12, 2018

Investors are out and first home buyers are in

First home buyers are “in” in terms of lender appetite! First Home Buyers now account for 19.6 per cent of all new home loans in...

August 22, 2018

Cars and cashflow – how to best afford your next car

WHEN there’s a mortgage, it goes without saying that most surplus savings is paying that down first and foremost. So when it comes to replacing...

June 6, 2018

The numbers game in investment property

The Surf Coast has always been a popular spot for holiday home ownership, but as the township and infrastructure grows, so does the interest...

May 16, 2018

Royal Commission fallout creates tightened conditions for all borrowers

THE Banking Royal Commission has shone a very strong light on some horrendous past and present behaviours by the banks, and customers are already...

March 21, 2018

Top finance tips for building or renovating on the Surf Coast

With Surf Coast development at an all-time high, we talk to local real estate, building and finance experts for their views on avoiding common...