A night in could save a life

October 2, 2019 BY

Girls’ Night In is a Cancer Council Victoria fundraiser that aims to raise $500,000 for women’s cancers.

Cancer Council Victoria is calling on women from across the Geelong region to rally their friends and host a “Girls’ Night In” event to support community members who have been diagnosed with a breast or gynaecological cancer.

Between 2015 and 2017, 76 women from the Surf Coast Shire were diagnosed with a form of gynaecological cancer, which includes cervical, ovarian, vulva and uterine cancers.

This year Cancer Council Victoria hopes to see 700 women host their own Girls’ Night In, with proceeds to be directed to Cancer Council’s work in research, prevention and support services for women’s cancers. The 2019 fundraising target is $500,000.

Cancer Council Victoria’s head of community engagement Lyrian Fleming-Parsley said local women can get involved by registering to host an event and inviting their girlfriends over for a night in.

She said the aim was to divert funds that would ordinarily be spent on a night out to the cause by opting to stay in instead.

“Breast and gynaecological cancers touch many lives in one form or another. Many of our mothers, our grandmas, daughters, sisters, and friends have been affected.

“Hosting or attending a Girls’ Night In event isn’t only an opportunity to raise much-needed funds for women’s cancers, it can also raise much-needed awareness about early detection and cancer prevention.”

Ms Fleming-Parsley said about a third of cancers are preventable by implementing healthy lifestyle choices and taking part in the recommended screening programs for a person’s age group.

She also said advancements in prevention had increased the breast cancer survival rate amongst women, noting a 91 per cent survival rate for five years post-diagnosis.

“The introduction of the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine, along with the National Cervical Screening Program, has resulted in cervical cancer being set to become eradicated in Australia by 2022.

“These improvements are thanks to investment in research, prevention and support because of fundraisers like Girls’ Night In.”

Register to host a Girls’ Night In by heading to girlsnightin.com.au or phoning 1300 65 65 85.

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