Girls unite against cancer

October 1 marked the beginning of breast cancer awareness month and Cancer Council is encouraging Australians to host a Girls’ Night In to raise awareness and funds.
October 1 marked the beginning of breast cancer awareness month and Cancer Council is once again urging women to get together and raise awareness for women’s cancers.
Australians are encouraged to raise funds and awareness by hosting a Girls’ Night In event.
Every day in Australia, around 60 women are diagnosed with breast or a gynaecological cancer – these women are mothers, grandmas, daughters, sisters, and friends.
Sadly, every day around 12 Australian women will die from a women’s cancer.
Cancer Council Victoria’s Emily Wigney said breast and gynaecological cancers touch many lives in one form or another.
“Either directly or through the experience of family and friends. Hosting or attending a Girls’ Night In event isn’t only an opportunity to raise much-needed funds for women’s cancers; it can also raise much-needed awareness about early detection and cancer prevention,” she said.
“It’s important to remember that a third of cancers can be prevented by making healthy lifestyle choices and taking part in the recommended screening programs for your age-group. Getting together with the girls and opening up these conversations is a great way to spread awareness and perhaps change someone’s life.”
Ms Wigney also said events can range from a simple movie-night to a gala ball – no event is too big or too small.
“Funds raised support the ongoing development of prevention programs, support services and vital cancer research. There is plenty of support for hosts too.”
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