Jazz hits the spot for Bellbrae award

Bellbrae Estate manager Cabs Anderson has been instrumental in Bellbrae winning the Best Additional Experience award (as part of the Gourmet Traveller Wine Best Cellar Door Awards) for the winery’s live music Sunday program.
BELLBRAE Estate has been recognised in this year’s 2018 Gourmet Traveller Wine Best Cellar Door Awards.
The winery was awarded Best Additional Experience in recognition of their Sunday live music program which offers patrons an array of genres including blues, country, jazz, r&b and soul.
After joining Bellbrae Estate six years ago, manager Cabs Anderson has turned a passion for music and 30 years of small business experience to launch Bellbrae Estate into a renowned wine and music destination.
“We know we have a good thing going on Sundays at Bellbrae Estate and increasing numbers of locals and visitors are catching on,” Ms Anderson said.
“It’s so rewarding to look around on Sundays and see the friendly happy vibe of all generations enjoying our wines and food in the sunshine, music is a wonderful connector.
“We are thrilled to receive this award as an acknowledgement that we are on the right track with all the work we have put in over the last few years. I would like to thank our fabulous staff and their awesome attitude. I know it’s a cliché but we all really do love where we work.”
The award comes as welcome news for local artists and ensures a weekly venue for performances that patrons can enjoy alongside the estate’s award winning wines.
Other winners from across the region include Scotchmans Hill (Best Large Cellar Door), Del Rios (Best Small Cellar Door), Provenance Wines (Star Cellar Door), Shadowfax (Best Tasting Experience), Jack Rabbit (Best Food) and Oakdene (Best Additional Experience-public art).