Natural world wonders AT WOOL MUSEUM

The breathtaking Wildlife Photographer of the Year 54 exhibition is arriving exclusively to Geelong’s National Wool Museum on March 22, giving viewers a glimpse into nature’s best.
Get a glimpse into the natural world like never before as the world renowned Wildlife Photographer of the Year 54 exhibition opens at the National Wool Museum on March 22.
On loan from London’s Natural History Museum, the exhibition features exceptional images which capture fascinating animal behaviour, spectacular species and the breathtaking diversity of the natural world.
Launching in 1965 and attracting 361 entries, today the competition receives almost 50,000 entries from over 90 countries highlighting its enduring appeal.
National Wool Museum director Padraic Fisher said the collection is the most prestigious photography event of its kind, providing a global platform that has showcased the natural world’s most astonishing and challenging sights for over 50 years.
“We are the only Victorian venue that hosts the exhibit and have done so for the past five years. We have a longstanding relationship with London’s Natural History Museum,” Mr Fisher said.
“The exhibition captures the natural world wildlife and speaks to conservation and protection initiatives. It’s an exploration of the world around us, that gives people an opportunity to see part of the natural world we wouldn’t necessarily have access to.”
From a bear relaxing in the woods to a panther drinking and a blue whale swimming, Mr Fisher said the images are “truly remarkable”.
“It really is an opportunity for the average punter to have a glimpse of the natural world around us. It’s quite remarkable, every year I have to say the photographs get more spectacular than the year before,” he said.
This year’s 100 award-winning images include photographs taken by Australian photographers Georgina Steytler, David Gallan, Justin Gilligan, Wayne Jones and Robert Irwin (son of “crocodile hunter” Steve Irwin) who all received Highly Commended awards.
For more information and tickets go to or phone 5272 4701.
The Nation Wool Museum is located at 26-32 Moorabool Street, Geelong.