December 6, 2018 BY

THE Christmas season is just about upon us and we have a new holiday movie out as a starting course.

Loosely based on the story by E.T.A.

Hoffmann, this film follows Clara (Mackenzie Foy), a young girl who has recently lost her mother (which seems to be a reoccurring theme in children’s fantasy films lately).

Upon receiving a locked jewel egg posthumously from her mother on Christmas Eve, Clara begins a search for the key that will unlock the egg.

Her search leads her to the Four Realms, a fantasy world that her mother once ruled over as queen.

However, the Four Realms is in grave peril and it soon falls to Clara to save it.

This movie is aesthetically pleasing and the costume designer should be applauded for the creativity of the outfits. Even the plot twist was decently executed. The rest, however, is nothing to scream about.

I wasn’t kidding when I said the film was “loosely” based on Hoffmann’s story.

Aside from some character names, this film could be classified as its own unique story.

Which is a shame, as the movie’s plot is over-complicated whereas the original story was simple and charming.

The Four Realms itself feels hollow and makes the creators seem lazy.

Like they thought making their fantasy world look like the works of C.S. Lewis would be enough.

While the characters are okay, some of the dialogue is so poorly delivered that it’s hard to tell if it’s the fault of the writers, the actors or the director.

And, considering the most famous adaptation of this story is Tchaikovsky’s ballet, there is a criminal underuse of his music.

In conclusion, this film isn’t really worth the price of cinema admission.

Perhaps just check it out on DVD when it’s released.

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