Eyeing The Weekend – May 10, 2018 May 9, 2018 FRIDAY 11/5 May art exhibition The House Gallery in Queenscliffe…
Sound Doctor delivers the cure May 9, 2018 Music lovers will immerse themselves in the translucent sounds of…
Experts take to the tracks for Meet the Maker sessions May 9, 2018 The Q Train’s philosophy to showcase the best of the…
Labels laws make healthy choice easier May 9, 2018 Families will have the information they need to make healthier…
Getting busy in business May 9, 2018 Business Events Geelong (BEG) has recently launched a new ambassador…
Marvel movie mash-up is INFINITELY DISAPPOINTING May 9, 2018 In Avengers: Infinity War, Thanos (Josh Brolin) has come to…
Entertainment Book Fundraiser May 8, 2018 In conjunction with the Torquay Cup we are raising as much…
Colac ready to LOL and ROFL as comedy show hits town May 4, 2018 AUSTRALIA’S largest comedy festival is packing up and set to…
Deaking vice-chancellor to speak at breakfast event May 4, 2018 OUTGOING Deakin University vice-chancellor Professor Jane den Hollander will be…
A delicate drop from a new South Wales locality May 4, 2018 Orange wine... no not the one you’re thinking of or…
Start talking about perinatal depression May 3, 2018 Start Talking, a new telehealth program, provides free perinatal support…
Artist brings legends to life for Geelong After Dark May 3, 2018 For this year’s Geelong After Dark (GAD) renowned local artist…
Eyeing The Weekend – May 3, 2018 May 3, 2018 FRIDAY 4/5 Uniting Church celebrates diversity The Sacrededge Festival is…
Screen agers and sleep woes May 3, 2018 CAPTION: New research has shows that the average Victorian teenager isn’t…