
Platform Arts reveals part of its 2023 lineup

December 24, 2022 BY

Multimedia artist and storyteller Kiri Tawai will be part of Platform Arts' Yookapa program in 2023. Photo: PLATFORM ARTS

Platform Arts has revealed some of the artists it will be working with throughout 2023.

Last week, the Geelong arts space announced the seven participants in LAB, its flagship artist development program that fosters new dialogues around contemporary art practice and collaboration.

This tailored residency program supports participating artists to experiment with new methodologies, undertake research, grow their professional practice and contribute to contemporary dialogues.

The seven artists taking part in LAB next year are:

Amala Groom, a Wiradyuri conceptual artist, living and working on Wiradyuri Country in Kelso, NSW

Deanne Butterworth, a performer, choreographer, and teacher

Sarah Aiken, a Naarm/Melbourne-based dancer, performer, teacher and choreographer from Bellingen, NSW

Anatol Pitt, an artist, writer and arts-worker based in Naarm/Melbourne

Si Yi Shen, an emerging multidisciplinary artist working with digital media, augmented reality (AR) technology, and installation

Katie Sfetkidis, a multidisciplinary artist based in Naarm/Melbourne, and

Kiera Brew Kurec, an artist whose practice is concerned with performance as a means for transformation

Platform Arts also announced the seven participants in Yookapa, which it established in response to the critical need for more accessible and culturally safe spaces in the community for First Nations people:

Kiri Tawhai, a Noongar, Ngapuhi and NgatiTuwharetoa woman, multimedia artist and storyteller

Jessi Rebel, a Wiradjuri woman living on Wadawurrung Country

Annie Brigdale, a Yorta Yorta woman living on Dja Dja Wurrung Country

Savanah Jenkins, a young Wemba Wemba, Yorta Yorta and Taungurung artist

Lowell Hunter, a Nyul Nyul saltwater man, living on Wadawurrung Country

Indie Bell, a Yuin, Butchulla and Gunditjmara digital artist living on Wadawurrung Country, and

Bri Apma Hayes, a young Arrernte emerging artist, born and raised on Wadawurrung Country.

For more information on Platform Arts, head to platformarts.org.au

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