January 17, 2019 BY

Sue Van Every is pictured with locals in Nepal after she, alongside her husband Bruce and fellow Drysdale Rotary member Colin Harding, helped establish a chicken farm.

Drysdale’s Rotary Club President Caroline Rickard said the motto of their organisation is ‘Service Above Self’, something she said three of their members exemplified during a recent trip to Nepal.

Sue Van Every alongside husband Bruce and Colin Harding headed off to Nepal for 10 days where they undertook works to help establish a chicken farm in a local community.

“Recently three of our members went to Nepal to help the people establish a chicken farm nicknamed Chicken Run.

Land had been made available on a local farm, the chicken house measured out, land levelled, and the foundation completed,” Ms Rickard said.

“Rocks for walls and wood for window and door frames have been delivered to the site, all transported up the mountain by manual manpower. So far, the beautiful stone walls are only one or two rocks high and it may be five months to finish the chicken four roomed coop.

“Covering the outdoor area is under discussion due to birds of prey.”

Ms Rickard said it was important for the Rotarian’s to help the locals get involved and complete the task alongside them.

“Our members showed the locals what to do and working alongside them, it gives them autonomy. People have discovered if you’re going to a third world country to help its important you don’t just do everything,” she said.

“Working together ensures the locals become passionate about the project and take it on as their own.”

Ms Rickard said the club is far more expansive then people in the community often realise, with tasks ranging from local, national to international in the quest to aid.

“So many of our members get involved because they want to give back. We’re always looking for new projects and members so welcome both.”

Contact our Membership Secretary Terry Baker on 0411 452 509 and arrange to catch up for a coffee and chat to find out why we do what we do.

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