Shire decides on seven community projects

THE Surf Coast Shire has made some progress on its list of community projects worthy of funding.
At their meeting in August, councillors considered recommendations about the status of referred for detailed investigation in the February and May quarters of this year.
The Community Project Proposal Master List has 33 outstanding project proposals, with this figure reduced considerably after a review.
The seven highest ranked proposals from the list were recommended to proceed to the detailed investigation stage, with the outcomes as follows:
- Jan Juc Preschool’s expansion of play space, which will install a double swing but without area expansion as this would encroach into council-owned public open space
- Ellimatta Reserve Anglesea football training lights upgrade, which the shire has already resolved to submit to Sport and Recreation Victoria’s 2017/18 Country Football Netball Grant Program
- Stribling Reserve stadium ventilation proposal, stage 1 of which has been allocated funds for priority works and stage 2 has been referred to the shire’s project prioritisation and budget processes
- Mount Moriac Reserve equestrian clubroom redevelopment, which has been referred to the shire’s project prioritisation and budget processes
- Anglesea Men’s Shed repurpose/refit of storage/ meeting space, which has been allocated base cost, contingency and project management funding, as well as a reaffirmation of support towards the group’s application to the federal government’s Stronger Communities Program
- Wurdale Hall Reserve History Board, which has been referred to the next round of the shire’s Small Grants Program as a grant-ready and eligible project, and
- Torquay Hilltop Reserve vegetation barrier, which will be funded directly from the shire’s 2017/18 Recreation and Open Space Planning budget.
Investigation into the eighth project, the Lorne Skate Park shelter, was not yet complete as of the August meeting. Councillors also approved a recommendation to refer the next seven priority projects to the shire’s community project development officer:
- Deep Creek Reserve Tennis Court multi-use area
- Mount Moriac Reserve oval 1 nets behind goals • Quay Reserve shelter over barbecue area
- Recommissioning of the old tennis clubroom at Freshwater Creek Reserve
- Anglesea Recreation and Sports Club power (security/sprinklers)
- Anglesea Recreation and Sports Club boat platform to new water level
- Anglesea Netball Club’s relocation of two netball shelters.