SOUND DOCTOR returns this month

The Sound Doctor’s 2019 season begins on March 22 with Hachiku, Loose Tooth (pictured) and Jade Imagine.
The Sound Doctor is gearing up for a huge 2019 after being awarded the Community Event of the Year by the Surf Coast Shire and has once again attracted some massive acts to the coast.
Running for a third year, the program launch on March 22 features three up and coming acts from the Milk! Records label: Hachiku, Loose Tooth and Jade Imagine, and for the first time will be an all standing show.
On Saturday March 23, it’s back to a more traditional Sound Doctor format when the legendary Archie Roach graces the stage of the Anglesea Memorial Hall.
Andi Lawson-Moore from The Sound Doctor said this event sold out well before Christmas and having seen the show already this year, was excited for the audience.
“This event sold out well before Christmas and having caught this show in Perth earlier in the month, I can guarantee those who did get a ticket are in for the absolute show of their lives,” Andi said.
“Then rounding out our opening weekend on Sunday March 24 is the beautiful jazz of Katie Noonan’s Elixir – touring the country singing music written to the lyrics of Michael Leunig as part of the Gratitude and Grief tour.
“And that’s just March – we’ve got shows in May, August and Oct/Nov planned as well. We’re very excited about what we can bring to the Surf Coast!” Melbourne three-piece band Loose Tooth have recently released their first EP Saturn Returns and consists of Etta Curry, Luc Dawson and Nellie Jackson who said she was looking forward to the Anglesea gig.
“There is always a really nice buzz and atmosphere playing in a small town. People seem more relaxed, there is not as much distraction from the lure of other shows and there seems to be a mutual feeling from the audience and band that it is perhaps a bit more special playing in smaller areas,” she said.
“I have always spent summers down on the coast and have a holiday house down that way too. It’s so awesome to be able to head down that way to play music, as I’ve never really connected the two before, but always wanted to. We feel very lucky to be able to play in Anglesea.”
For more information, a full program and to book tickets go to