
Surf Coast Community Column

November 27, 2017 BY

The role of the Arts in our community has long been recognised as a significant contributor to our health and wellbeing. Along with sport, the sector promotes social connection, mental and physical activity and for many it is their job. We are pleased to be able to support the sector through the many facilities we have and programs that are run. We have theatre groups performing at the Senior Citizens in Torquay, the Anglesea Memorial Hall, the Globe Theatre and other locations. We have the Arts Space and the Art House in Anglesea and commercial galleries and stores in many of our townships. We have the Torquay Library and mobile service along the coast and into the hinterland. We also have many artists working from studios in their homes.

However what we don’t have is a dedicated performing arts space and as our population continues to grow there will be increasing pressure for investment in such a facility. Our performers share locations with other community groups often adding expense to production with continual packing and unpacking. Geelong is not so far away, but how much growth do we need before we can sustain our own Performance Space?

The pop-up Arts Space is a clear demonstration of build and they will use. We are very good at planning for sporting facilities and get lots of support for them through the many State and Federal Government grant programs. Perhaps we need to apply that same planning and support to the Arts sector.

And for your diary, the Torquay Theatre Troupe has their production of David Williamson’s play “When Dad Married Fury” opening on Monday 6th November. The play is directed by Michael Baker and tickets can be purchased through www.trybooking.com.

Warm Regards,
David Bell, Libby Coker, Rose Hodge and Margot
Smith, Surf Coast Shire councillors.

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