The art of writing life in Anglesea

The Anglesea Community House will be hosting a Life Writing course with established writer and film maker Janet Brown, attendees will learn the art of capturing their lives through word.
Established writer and filmmaker Janet Brown believes there’s nothing more interesting than a person’s life story, now budding writers can learn how to tell theirs in a special writing course.
The Anglesea Community House is hosting a Life Writing series which consists of an introductory welcome session followed by six classes.
Janet said her work as a ghost writer and editor assisting people to write and record their life stories had always been a privilege.
“What a privilege it has been. Whether it has been about one important aspect of their lives, or their full life stories; whether the people have been famous or not at all – no work of fiction could be more interesting than real life. And I am convinced, no life is ordinary,” she said.
“Life writing is an exciting and interesting opportunity for people to explore. Although it is based on real people and real-life events, the creative choices are vast.
“This personal type of expression suits many different writing styles. I really enjoy introducing people to discovering themselves through life writing.”
The first session on Tuesday August 7 will be a free overview to approaches and ideas to get started telling your story, followed by six classes.
“It will be both fun for some people and challenging for others. It can be insightful and even cathartic to reflect on our lives in a sustained meaningful way,” she said.
“Some people may not be convinced they can actually write their story – that’s okay. I will show them how to use their phones or iPads to record their own audio or videos of their lives. Deciding what to include and how to shape the project is most important.”
Janet said for some an interest in capturing their own family history might lead them towards partaking in these classes.
“They want to keep an interesting record of their life and times. Others might have one experience or adventure they want to explore. Another aspect that I want to include is for people who have no interest in sharing their writing – it is entirely private, just for themselves.
“This is called ‘therapeutic writing’ and is a strategy that can help people make sense of difficult and challenging life experiences in a very private, personal way. The subliminal power of storying our life can be significant.”
By the completion of the course participants will have the tools and confidence to continue under their own steam, with the course suitable for adults of all ages.
Starting August 7 from 9.30am – 12.30pm, the free introduction and six-week course is $125 or $75 for concession.
All welcome to come along to the first session to find out if this is for you with bookings essential, for further information contact the Anglesea Community House on 5263 2116 or [email protected].