The Hive Gallery in Ocean Grove continues to facilitate regular artists while exhibiting the new, including Naïve artist Wayne Elliot and his New Landscapes exhibit, on display until March 3.
The Hive Gallery in Ocean Grove now in its third year, continues to present a growing list of permanent and guest artists – still with a predominantly local focus.
Hive Director Karen Spreadborough said the gallery continues to balance regular artists with new contributors, ensuring a rewarding experience for visitors.
“The two large floors of sculpture and art allow a lot of flexibility to maintain a showing of the regulars such as Lucy McEachern’s bronze bird sculptures and William Linford’s oil paintings,” Ms Spreadborough said.
“The Middle Room upstairs provides a winding journey through a solo exhibition space, also providing a fresh narrative.”
Wayne Elliott, a Naïve artist from Geelong is currently exhibiting New Landscapes, inspired by his exploration of the Aṉangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands in north-western South Australia Mr Elliot was honoured to be invited
to the Indigenous governed area that is home to the Pitjantjatjara, Yankunytjatjara and Ngaanyatjarra people, as a respected art mentor to share and exchange knowledge with the local artists.
From these experiences, this exhibition has grown, with works featuring the outback landscape and salt lakes of the area that many of us will never be able to see.
“These artworks are predominately from a ‘bird’s eye’ perspective, purely a tactical ploy to represent a visual landscape of objects which all have influence on the creation of my narrative,” he said.
“I ‘map’ the landscape like a cartographer, however I prioritise certain features and objects in the landscape to create an essence that is representational of my reflective thoughts.”
With a growing international reputation, Wayne is also exhibiting in Finland as a result of being seen in Katowice, Poland in 2017 and 2018.
Five of Mr Elliot’s works have also been chosen by Ian Tully, the Swan Hill Regional Art Gallery director, for their Inland to Outland exhibition running March until May after Mr Tully recently visited The Hive.
Mr Elliot’s works will sit among some of their permanent artworks, in a gallery recognised as having one of Australia’s most comprehensive naive art collections.
The New Landscapes Exhibition by Wayne Elliott can be seen at the Hive until Sunday March 3, open Friday to Sunday 10am until 4pm at 41 Smithton Grove, Ocean Grove.
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