This week Australia is united in its fight against stroke

August 8, 2021 BY

NATIONAL Stroke Week has begun and this year the Stroke Foundation is encouraging people to be “united” in learning and sharing the most common signs of stroke.

Frontline healthcare workers play such a vital role when it comes to combating strokes, so this year’s National Stroke Week will once again celebrate the efforts of these important individuals.

This year the Stroke Foundation is urging people to learn F.A.S.T (Face, Arms, Speech, Time) as knowing these signs can help prevent the likelihood of an impending stroke.

The main points to remember according to the foundation are:
Face – Check their face. Has their mouth drooped?
Arms – Can they lift both arms?
Speech – Is their speech slurred? Do they understand you?
Time – It is critical if you see any of these signs call triple zero (000) straight away.

Stroke is one of Australia’s biggest killers and a leading cause of disability with more than 27,400 people having their initial stroke in 2020.

You can help save a life, as more than 80 per cent of strokes display at least one of the F.A.S.T signs.

National Stroke Week starts on Monday August 2 and runs through until August 8.

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