Some Tips for Warmer-Months Vitality

November 14, 2017 BY

Nourish your skin
Summer time is renowned for being a little harsh on the skin with extra sun, salt, sand and perhaps a little too much over indulging. Considering that our skin is a big sponge and whatever you put on to it will, to some degree, find its way into your body, opt for natural sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more. If you would like a little natural glow, opt for natural, organic fake tans and my golden rule of skin that I share with patients: “if you wouldn’t eat it, don’t put it on your skin”. Beeswax-based creams are wonderful for keeping the skin hydrated. For soft, supple skin, give it a boost by adding collagen into your morning smoothie; gives an amazing glow! Oh, and Vanilla Mozi for a great, natural insect repellant for the whole family.

Cleanse from the inside out
Blow off the winter cobwebs by upping your water intake, incorporating cold-pressed
juices, loads of beautiful, fresh organic produce and avoid the usual suspects like sugar, and white, refined carbohydrates. Re-embrace bright, fresh salads and raw foods now that the weather is warmer.

Gently start moving again
Now that the sun is back out and the frosty mornings are a distant memory, use the mornings to get out and about and do your favourite activity. Walking the dogs, take your yoga mat to the park, do your metafit outside instead of in your lounge room and get back in the water! Swim, surf, stroll, whatever rocks your socks. I guarantee you will feel more energetic, less foggy and those endorphins will make for a better mood.

Although this is not necessarily confined to spring and summer, it is a timely reminder that we all need things in our life that bring us joy and happiness. Coming out of the depths of winter can see us feeling a little low, flat and downright moody. Launch into summer with a bang by making time to do the things that you love. Stroll through the Sunday morning markets, go on a road trip, see friends again, start a course, tick things off that bucket list. Life can be short, make time for fun.

Get back to nature
Grab the tent, some friends, your bathers and some walking shoes, and leave the phone charger at home. Take a break from technology and really just be with your loved ones and immerse yourself in the wonder of mother nature. Think bush walks, days at the beach, read a book, or just rest on a hammock with a cool drink. This is my absolute favourite thing to do.

Try some new recipes
A bit of a tradition in my family around summer is to try out some new salads. Think pomegranate jewels nestled among fresh spinach, roasted root vegies, toasted nuts and seeds and a yummy, tangy dressing. Keep things new and exciting. Eat lots of yummy fresh seafood: marinated, natural, pan fried, baked, however you like it. Your skin and your tummy will thank you for it.

Look after your digestion
We can very easily over-indulge at this time of year, so maintaining a healthy liver and digestive tract is imperative for your body to remove waste and stay hydrated. Poor digestion affects your mood, hormones and bowels. Easy ways to do this is to incorporate some good gut foods like kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut and loads of soluble fibre from fruit and veg. It’s really easy to make your own coconut yoghurt brimming with probiotics, fermenting your own veg and experimenting with ways to eat kraut. My favourite is to add it to our lettuce-leaf “tacos” stuffed with almond meal crumbed flathead, avocado, cherry tomatoes, grated carrot and beetroot, and a squeeze of lemon. Delicious!

Start your day on the right foot
We tend to be more active and busy in the warmer months, making it even more important to nourish our bodies with a nutrient dense breakfast. Think smoothies, coconut and passionfruit chia puddings, baked eggs with spinach, crunchy grain free granola with almond milk, coconut yoghurt and fresh berries, fruit salad and natural yoghurt, nuts and seeds. Ditch or limit your coffee and opt instead for hydrating hot or iced herbal teas packed with fresh lemon and mint.

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