A moment in time

Entries for Lorne Community Connect's photography prize close November 30. PHOTO: Heiko Stein via Pixabay
Lorne Community Connect is preparing to host its third annual Easter photography exhibition and for the first time, prizes will be on offer.
The 2024 exhibition will be titled Stilling Time, Sensing Place and everyone is invited to submit works that respond to this theme.
Exhibition curator, Meaghan Shelton, said the theme plays on the notion of “slowing things down and really being in a space”.
“It’s really encouraging people to look at photography beyond the idea of a snapshot. So, looking at it as a possibility of process, whether that be a personal narrative or looking at the camera as an apparatus in itself,” Ms Shelton said.
She hoped the theme will allow people to tease out what it is that inspires them to capture a scene.
Lorne Community Connect’s 2024 photography exhibition will be held next year, running from March 28 – April 13, and all works will be available to purchase.
The winner of the show’s photographic prize will be awarded $1000, and the runner up will be awarded $500.
“We’ve loved that we could support artists in their creative expression as well as encourage people to buy their work and encourage the participants to imagine their work as being saleable too,” Ms Shelton said.
Lorne Community Connect committee member, Wendy Hutchison, said the volunteer-run organisation is looking forward to the show.
“We’re excited and we’re hoping as many people as possible enter to ensure we’ve got the possibility of creating an interesting show.”
“As Meaghan is selecting the works to go in [the exhibition], she’ll be looking for people who are actually exploring the theme rather than just taking any photograph.
“We would like to stress that people really think about what the title means and the possibilities.”
And those possibilities, Ms Shelton said, are endless.
“Be excited about the brief, not intimidated.”
“Talk to your friends about it, talk to your family about what they think it means or how it could be interpreted.
“To have that feedback and to have that interaction, it’s about connecting and that’s a really great thing to do.”
Submissions for the photographic prize close on November 30.
All artists will be notified by email by mid-January whether their work has been selected for the exhibition and shortlisted for the photography prize.
Prize winners will be announced on the 2024 photography exhibition’s opening night.
For submission details, email [email protected]