
Ability rather than disability: Ghanda partner with Leisure Networks

April 16, 2023 BY

Several groups from Leisure Networks have enjoyed participating in the program. Photos: SUPPLIED

SURF Coast surf and streetwear brand Ghanda have partnered up with local disability leader Leisure Networks to provide more work opportunities that focus on ability rather than disability.

Since December, when Ghanda returned its sticker production back to local shores, small groups from Leisure Networks have been overjoyed to help out the business with producing their retail sticker packs in their local warehouse.

Leisure Networks employment coach Sam Wallace said Ghanda’s commitment to “ability over disability” showed how much they valued what people with disabilities brought to the workplace.

Leisure Networks participants Zane and Thomas with employment coach Sam Wallace (far right).


“It’s great for the company and the people working within the company to see that people living with disability are willing and ready to give work a crack and that they’re just as able as anyone else to do jobs and work within a company.

“It’s good to see the team getting energised and feeling positive about coming to work experience.

“It’s a fun, safe and inclusive space… the group enjoy being here and the staff like having us here… we’re being as productive as anyone else.”

Mr Wallace said many of the team’s person

al goals had already been achieved through the integration program with Ghanda.

“Zane has a goal to develop a range of employment skills and it’s been good for him to listen to what we have to do and to focus on a task.

“For Thomas, one of his goals was to become more social and to work within a team.

“In that aspect, he’s doing really well because we get to work within this team framework.”

Ghanda warehouse and production manager Chris Naylor said it had been a joy to have the Leisure Networks crew join the team.

“The Leisure Networks crew have fitted in really well to our team, and helped complement most of the things that we’re doing as far as local production is going.

“It’s a prerequisite at Ghanda that people need to be open minded and flexible… which includes accepting people from all cultures, all countries and all abilities.

“Going forward from here, I see that we’ll have a long, and probably more expanded relationship with Leisure Networks.”

For more information about the program, head to leisurenetworks.org

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