
Alcoa releases demolition footage, air monitoring results

October 3, 2018 BY

The power station was brought down with the controlled detonation of explosives on Wednesday afternoon.

Alcoa has released footage of yesterday’s (Wednesday) demolition of the Anglesea power station as well as the air monitoring results following the explosion, and has detected no asbestos.

The second, successful attempt to bring down the power station building took place at 1.15pm yesterday.

As a condition of EPA Victoria’s approval of the demolition, Alcoa had to conduct dust monitoring south of the power station in the residential area and release the results on the same day of the implosion, and abestos monitoring must also be undertaken at locations around the perimeter of the exclusion zone.

Alcoa released the air monitoring results yesterday evening, noting it had engaged a qualified occupational hygienist was engaged to conduct air monitoring for asbestos and dust.

“A dust monitor was located at the edge of town, at the DELWP office in Camp Road.

“The results from the dust monitoring indicate that at the monitoring location, the measured particulate concentrations were identical before, during and two hours following the demolition.

“Asbestos monitors were located at seven positions around the perimeter of the power station site. The results indicate that there were no asbestos fibres detected at any of the locations.”

To see the demolition footage, head to the Surf Coast Times Facebook page.

To see the full results, head to https://www.alcoa.com/australia/en/news/releases.asp?id=2018/10/anglesea-power-station-safely-felled-as-part-of-alcoa-of-australias-decommissioning-of-the-anglesea-power-station-and-min&year=y2018

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