Ambulance station site still not set

THE site of Winchelsea’s planned ambulance station is still not set, with the Surf Coast Shire holding open the option of locating it in Harding Street.
Under the original plan, first raised at the council in May, the shire would sell land at 42 Harding Street to Ambulance Victoria.
The sale of land was put out for public comment and objections were raised, with some stating they supported an ambulance station coming to Winchelsea but the proposed site could be put to better use for the community.
The shire deferred its decision about Ambulance Victoria’s offer to buy the land at its July council meeting, and again considered the matter at its September council meeting.
Ambulance Victoria is considering alternative sites but has not formally withdrawn its interest in 42 Harding Street.
Community submissions suggest that shire-owned land at 325 Mousley Road would be a better site but Ambulance Victoria disagrees, citing several factors, including that site’s isolated location on Winchelsea’s western edge of township, limiting the desired interaction between paramedics and community; and the need to install power, water and sewer services.
At their September meeting, councillors resolved that if an alternative site was not found by October 6, the shire would re-advertise its intention to sell 42 Harding Street to Ambulance Victoria and have a report prepared for their November 28 meeting.
Last month’s meeting also discussed local advocacy group Growing Winchelsea’s objections to how the proceeds of the sale (if it goes ahead) will be spent.
The shire plans to put the money into its Accumulated Unallocated Cash Reserve to ultimately support acquiring land to build a second oval at Winchelsea’s Eastern Reserve.
However, in two joint letters to the shire, Growing Winchelsea argues that a second oval will not be needed for two to three years and would benefit relatively few people in the town, so the money should instead fund works in the Growing Winchelsea Plan.
In response, councillors agreed with the officers’ report that the second oval was identified within the Growing Winchelsea Plan so the use of the funds was consistent with Growing Winchelsea’s request.