Andrea to lose her locks to help stop leukaemia
THE World’s Greatest Shave turns 20 this year, and Surf Coast resident Andrea Knight is joining the cause, giving up her ponytail this Saturday to help fund research into leukaemia.
Mrs Knight is not alone in braving the shaver – her boss Peter Calvert has supported her with money for fundraising events and has agreed to have his head shaved, and her husband Ashley said that if another $500 was donated, he would shave not only his head but also his beard.
Saturday’s shave will take place outside the Anglesea IGA on Saturday March 17 from 11am-3pm. Donations over $5 will go in the draw to win prizes.
More than 20,000 Aussies will come together across the country from March 14-18 to celebrate the Leukaemia Foundation’s World’s Greatest Shave.
Beginning in Lismore, New South Wales in 1998, the World’s Greatest Shave was inspired by a daughter’s love for her dad going through leukaemia treatment, and more than 1.9 million Australians have taken part since.
Foundation chief executive officer Bill Petch is encouraging people who have been thinking about shaving for some time to make 2018 their year to sign up.
“Whether you have a personal connection to blood cancer or simply want to have fun and raise money for a good cause, we’re asking Australians to join the World’s Greatest Shave for our big 20th anniversary,” he said.
“With your help we’re aiming to raise $16 million so more people survive their blood cancer.”
Money raised will give families facing blood cancer including leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma the free emotional and practical support they need as well as help fund vital research.
For the first time, the World’s Greatest Shave is going green in 2018 thanks to a partnership with Sustainable Salons Australia.
Ponytails snipped from those taking part in the event will now be turned into wigs for cancer patients, shorter hair clippings will be transformed into compost and floating booms to absorb oil spills at sea, and empty cans of coloured hairspray will be diverted away from landfill back into recycled resources.
To donate to Mrs Knight’s shave, head to