Anglesea borefield community consultation starts today

July 17, 2019 BY

THE first of Barwon Water’s Anglesea Borefield community consultations will take place this afternoon.

The local water corporation is preparing to consult the community about using the Anglesea borefield to supplement the region’s summer water supplies.

Barwon Water acting managing director Jo Murdoch said the Anglesea borefield was a critical part of the diverse local water supply that, if activated, would improve water security in the region.

“We appreciate our community may not know a lot about this water source, so we encourage people to drop into an information session in Anglesea to hear more, including how it would be managed to highest environmental standards.”

The borefield will be activated if water storage levels do not rise to a sufficient level to meet demand over the 2019/2020 summer period.

Anglesea community information sessions:
Thursday July 25, 4pm – 7pm
Saturday August 3, 10am – 1pm
Tuesday August 20, 4pm – 7pm

All sessions will be held at the Anglesea Senior Citizens Club, 1 Macmillan Street, Anglesea.

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