Applications open for 2019 Coastcare grants

November 1, 2018 BY

THE 2019 Coastcare Victoria Community Grants Program supports community efforts to protect Victoria’s 2,000 kilometres of coastline.

Community groups are encouraged to apply for funding that will assist in the restoration, rehabilitation and conservation of coastal and marine environments across the state.

Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) Coastcare co-ordinator, Bec Cross said community groups along the coast can apply for funding that will improve the coastal environment either through on-ground work or community engagement and education.

“Up to $270,000 will be available to community groups to help protect and preserve our coastline,” Ms Cross said.

“One-year projects will be able to apply for up to $10,000 funding while two-year projects will be eligible for up to $15,000 funding.

“The Victorian Government Coastcare Community Grants Program supports small scale community projects in coastal areas, building both increased environmental and community resilience in a changing environment.”

She said the grant program allowed volunteer groups to maintain the coast through a range of activities such as reducing plastic pollution, increasing education and awareness sessions, and enhancing cultural heritage sites.

“In 2018, the grants program funded a diverse range of community developed and led utilising an impressive range of skill sets, innovative practices, strategic partnerships and volunteer contributions to deliver benefits for the environment and the community.”

Applications for the 2019 Coastcare Victoria Community Grants Program close on February 20, 2019.

For more information on the 2019 Coastcare Victoria Community Grants Program, including funding guidelines, head to or contact your Regional Coastcare Facilitator.

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