Baking duo raise big for GAWS

Grade 6 students and fundraisers Ke'ali Sadler and Jasmine Watkins at their stall on Fischer Street. Photo: VINNIE VAN OORSCHOT
TWO grade 6 students from Torquay College have shown tremendous initiative and business acumen following the creation and maintenance of their very own cake stall over the past three weeks raising money for a worthwhile cause.
Ke’ali Sadler and Jasmine Watkins held their first of their two cake stall fundraising days for the Geelong Animal Welfare Society (GAWS) on October 3 at Ke’ali’s residence on Fischer Street, but the girls did not expect the turnout that the residents of Torquay would provide.
Selling all their sweets and goods within just a couple hours, both girls decided it only made sense to give their stall another go two weeks later.
To add to their initiative, both girls used some of the proceeds they raised on their first day of fundraising to purchase the goods for their most recent stall day this past Sunday on October 17, allowing them to accumulate more funds for GAWS.
“I just love seeing peoples’ reactions when we provide them with the food, as well as seeing them eat the food as well,” organiser Ke’ali said.
“My brother and I did a cake stall at Christmas, and it just made us happy, so one day Jasmine and I were riding our bikes and the idea came to us to do this.”
The decision to donate to GAWS was a somewhat personal one for 12-year-old Jasmine, and one that her long-time friend was happy to assist with.
“We rescued my cat from there,” Jasmine said, “we also love animals”.
“The first day we ran the stall it was super successful, so we just decided to do it again.”
According to Ke’ali’s mother Claire, both young philanthropists met each other in grade one and have always had a strong friendship full of ideas.
“Both girls like to bake, so they both kind of came to a mutual agreement to do this cake stall,” Mrs Sadler said.
“They both also just needed something to keep themselves busy, especially given the times we are in and the fact it was school holidays on their first fundraising day.”
“Melissa (Jasmine’s mother) and I are extremely proud of the girls, just to see them really commit to something that they have worked really hard at.”
Both girls have worked out they raised over $500 from both days of fundraising, which they will present to GAWS in the near future.
There are also plans in the works for a Halloween stall and a possible Christmas stall as well.